Google Trusted Photograhper

Fastest way to earn money as Google Trusted Photographer

By October 24, 2019 No Comments
Google Trusted Photographers making money

Fastest way to earn money as a Google Trusted Photographer.

Making money as a new or old Google 360 trusted photographer is very hard if you follow what everyone else is doing.

Two ways to grow your income from doing 360 virtual tours.

Work for someone
Become your own boss

This video is for those who want to grow their own virtual tours business but first a swift warning.

Most Google trusted photographers do not make enough money to even pay for the equipment they purchased.

People think Google trusted photography businesses fail because of:

lack of experience,

bad employees,

bad clients,

not knowing how to market,

trying to do everything yourself…

the list can be extensive


The single biggest reason why Google Trusted photographers fail is that the money coming in is less than money going out.

Do you want to make real money? You must understand, which business is in the market right now that are looking to do a virtual tour for their premises?

Two ways to find who is in the market right now.

The old way
The new way

Old way of making money from 360 photography

The old way was to spend time, effort and money on advertising, cold calling and doing things, which are very hard to do or slow to grow. You spend so much on trying to convince businesses about the value of the 360 photography. Why Virtual tour will benefit them and how other businesses like them are using it to their advantage.

Think about it. Let’s assume you are cold calling businesses to sell them virtual tours. There are 100 businesses in the market and you are so persistent that you are going to call every single one of them. There are some real rules to growth, one of which is, at any time there are only around 4% of businesses who are ready to buy right now.

Let’s also assume the 4% assumption is right.  There are 4 businesses out of 100 who are ready to buy a virtual tour. You called all 100 and got yourself 4 new clients. This would have been ideal if you were an early adopter and started doing virtual tours when there were no other virtual tours photographers around.

But that is not the case.

There are thousands of Google Trusted Photographers who are doing virtual tours.

Let’s take the same scenario above and assume there are 100 businesses and 4 are ready to buy but there are 4 very persistent photographers who are hell-bent on calling every single one of the businesses to sell a virtual tour.

Let’s assume they share the 4 clients. Each photographer got one virtual tour but every single one of the businesses received 4 calls each. If there were 25 cold callers each business would have received 25 calls spending valuable time with the marketers instead of spending it on their business.

That is why the rejection rate in any marketing where you push yourself on the possible prospect is high.

You will love the new way of photographers are earning from 360 virtual tours

The new way is something totally amazing. It uses the Position Marketing to get clients coming to you instead of you going to them. You set it up and have the clients come to you. There is no if or butts; it is much easier to convert a prospect to a customer who comes to you then the one you go to. If you Want to find the fastest way to earn money as Google Trusted Photographer –  you got to click right now and Book your 100% free consultation and see what you need to get clients coming to you the easy way even while you sleep.

Google Trusted Photographers making money

Google Trusted Photographers making money

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